Now in Technicolor

I was striking in black and white. You couldn't see my red spots. You couldn't see my racoon eyes. But what fun is life without those?

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

I...Had a Dream!

I had a dream last night that Alexsandr Petrovsky, the character from Sex and the City, worked with me in retail. But he was a lot better at it than me. He only had four pinstriped pants and one blazer that he was in charge of, but he neatened everything up really nicely and everyone was asking why I wasn't more like him. I also had a dream after that where large black triangles were coming after me and some other people. We found out that in the triangles were brainwashed soldiers. We helped them realize that they didn't have to be large black killing triangles anymore. Then we went to a flea store.

Isn't it odd how the subconscious works? Nothing makes any sense when you look back on it, but while you're in the dream, or even daydream, you seem to be lingual in "whattheferk" brain nonsense. It makes you think, what would happen if a circuit got hung between when you're awake and when you're dreaming? If all of the logic of the real world flew away to surrender itself to the logic of the dreamworld, what would happen? Would you end up killing yourself? Or would you actually be able to walk on air? Is it simply the thought that there are laws of gravity or breathing or any other thing that seems solid that makes reality or does reality exist wether or not we think it does?

Maybe dream reality and percieved awake reality tie in hand in hand, though. What if when we jump off that building we don't fly but we, instead, fall into a trash can or start walking on a telephone wire. What if our realities coincide in a way where everything that happens in the dream reality exists in the percieved awake reality--but clothed in metaphor and symbolism? Would it be interesting to decipher that? Or would it simply be a waste of time?

currently: asleep

current picture:


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