Now in Technicolor

I was striking in black and white. You couldn't see my red spots. You couldn't see my racoon eyes. But what fun is life without those?

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


What war? Where? What are you talking about? Economical distress? I'm sorry, I can't hear a darn word you're saying, man, over that police officer shootin' up the bad guys. Look at this guy cut open this dead guy. It's fake but, man, that's gross. Dude! They're fighting over a bottle of soda! That's messed up! I love reality TV. Oh my Gawd! Aliens from outer space! Man, that's so friggin' fake. Look, I can show you how they do all that crap on my computer. I just downloaded this illegal copy of "Make Really Impressive Graphics in Movies: Fug up your computer at the same time." It rawks!

Dude, that chick just died, let's fight her baby's daddy's custody war. War? No, I've never heard of it. Hey man! Friggin' dancing friggin' penguins dude! They're friggin' dancin'! So cute. Dude, chick looks bad with her pinball noggin' stickin out, all bald and such. First she shows her hoo ha and now this? She's messed up. Makes me happy I'm not in any distress. Like that. It's not like my country's at war or anything. It's not like I can't hardly make the finances to pay for the basic necessities let alone that new dvd box set of that show I will watch many times until I can satisfy myself that life is okay again.

I could buy some shoes, that would help. I've wanted another pair of converses. Of chucks. You know, all stars. Like the cool people say. I can't deny that in the back of my mind I know that something isn't quite right, but I can't quite inspire myself to check out what it is. Seems like things are falling apart, but I can't figure how to put them back together again while I'm watching this ad(vert[tisement]) for super sticky never let go glue. Isn't it wierd, in those commercials, how the guy is talking more about how the glue can hold him up by his worker's helmet at some insane height from the ceiling and that's the thing you remember more than anything? But I can't remember them ever showing a shattered vase being put back together. It must be more important to hold onto things that are hard to keep than put back together something that's broken, I imagine.

I've been eyeing this pair of pajamas on sale but I let the sale pass because they're a pair of pajamas, something I hardly wear anyway. I also let the sale pass on a pair of shoes because they were for novelty purposes. I bought a mousepad the other day and a clock. I don't know why. I want to take the clock with me to England and the mousepad has this large question mark over it like it's in perpetual pondery of its existence. I suppose if I was a mousepad I would be, too. You can never go anywhere but you help to protect and inspire someone else's journey.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to watching TV and illegal shows off of video upload sites. Well, the shows aren't illegal, the downloading of them is. I feel like the last few days have been a scrambling away from the inevitable fire/flood/put your own metaphor for possibly catastrophic change here. And I quite like it how it is, now. I won't in a few days. But for right now it feels really good running away.

currently: on the edge of an ephiphany

current piece of writing:

Piece selection inspired by J. Locke

As a Wife Has a Cow: A Love Story, by Gertrude Stein

Nearly all of it to be as a wife has a cow, a love story. All of it to be as a wife has a cow, all of it to be as a wife has a cow, a love story.

As to be all of it as to be a wife as a wife has a cow, a love story, all of it as to be all of it as a wife all of it as to be as a wife has a cow a love story, all of it as a wife has a cow as a wife has a cow a love story.

Has made, as it has made as it has made, has made has to be as a wife has a cow, a love story. Has made as to be as a wife has a cow a love story. As a wife has a cow, as a wife has a cow, a love story. Has to be as a wife has a cow a love story. Has made as to be as a wife has a cow a love story.

When he can, and for that when he can, for that. When he can and for that when he can. For that. When he can. For that when he can. For that. And when he can and for that. Or that, and when he can. For that and when he can.

And to in six and another. And to and in and six and another. And to and in and six and another. And to in six and and to and in and six and another. And to and in and six and another. And to and six and in and another and and to and six and another and and to and in and six and and to and six and in and another.

In came in there, came in there come out of there. In came in come out of there. Come out there in came in there. Come out of there and in and come out of there. Came in there, come out of there.

Feeling or for it, as feeling or for it, came in or come in, or come out of there or feeling as feeling or feeling as for it.

As a wife has a cow.

Came in and come out.

As a wife has a cow a loves tory.

As a love story, as a wife has a cow, a love story.

Not and now, now and not, not and now, by and by not and now, as not, as soon as not not and now, now as soon now now as soon, now as soon as soon as now. Just as soon just now just now just as soon just as soon as now. Just as soon as now.

And in that, as and in that, in that and and in that, so that, so that and in that, and in that and so that and as for that and as for that and that. In that. In that and and for that as for that and in that. Just as soon and in that. In that as that and just as soon. Just as soon as that.

Even now, now and even now and now and even now. Not as even now, therefor, even now and therefor, therefor and even now and even now and therefor even now. So not to and moreover and even now and therefor and moreover and even now and so and even now and therefor even now.

Do they as they do so. And do they do so.

We feel we feel. We feel or if we feel if we feel or if we feel. We feel or if we feel. As it is made made a day made a day or two made a day, as it is made a day or two, as it is made a day. Made a day. Made a day. Not away a day. By day. As it is made a day.

On the fifteenth of October as they say, said anyway, what is it as they expect, as they expect it or as they expected it, as they expect it and as they expected it, expect it or for it, expected it and it is expected of it. As they say said anyway. What is it as they expect for it, what is it and it is as they expect of it. What is it. What is it the fifteenth of October as they say as they expect or as they expected as they expect for it. What is it as they say the fifteenth of October as they say and as expected of it, the fifteenth of October as they say, what is it as expected of it. What is it and the fifteenth of October as they say and expected of it.

And prepare and prepare so prepare to prepare and prepare to prepare and prepare so as to prepare, so to prepare and prepare to prepare to prepare for and to prepare for it to prepare, to prepare for it, in preparation, as preparation in preparation by preparation. They will be too busy afterwards to prepare. As preparation prepare, to prepare, as to preparation and to prepare. Out there.

Have it as having having it as happening, happening to have it as having, having to have it as happening. Happening and have it as happening and having it happen as happening and having to have it happen as happening, and my wife has a cow as now, my wife having a cow as now, my wife having a cow as now and having a cow as now and having a cow and having a cow now, my wife has a cow and now. My wife has a cow.


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