Now in Technicolor

I was striking in black and white. You couldn't see my red spots. You couldn't see my racoon eyes. But what fun is life without those?

Sunday, February 24, 2008

What is your favorite color?

I think this is the most telling thing to ask a person, I really do. It's one of those questions you got asked when you were five. You would shyly hold up a crayon or a marker or pull at your fingers while you answered or pointed to it. It was purple or blue or pink or green or something very solid that didn't matter if it was more of a pinkish purple instead of pure because if it was said it was purple then it was the best.

And then when you got older, a little older, it became a bit more complicated because suddenly you've found all these other colors that you fancy. When I was about 7 or 8 or possibly older or younger my favorite colors were of these special markers that I always used to use in after-school-care. There were the regular colors that were darker and were green and blue, black and brown, red and orange etc...but then there were these other markers that came in the same box that had the same marker shape to them but were in colors like "shocking lemon" and "electric pink" and "electric green" or somesuch. These colors were absolutely my favorite colors ever.

Whenever I went to color something I would always pull all of these bright highlighter like colors out of the box and hold them in a fist in my hand so no one else would use them. I would sit there for however long I had and just color the hell out of them. The pink was my favorite one because it was the brightest and most seeable on white paper. The green was fine except it wasn't as bright as what color the outside of the marker was. And the yellow was good until it dried up.

But then I got older. Much older. "What's your favorite color?" And after an introspective moment "Clear, clear is my favorite color. I quite enjoy the lack of color. Black is my favorite color. White, because it's all the colors in the spectrum combined." It became much more thought-out, much less spontaneous. Then when I became even older than that my favorite color became green. I'm not sure why green is my favorite color. I suppose because whenever I say it is people comment "Like your last name!" And I like that.

So this is why I think that this question "What is your favorite color?" is so important. When you get older and past the point of spontenaety and not caring what people think you answer this question with the upmost care and consideration with the idea that whatever your answer will be will somehow symbolize your as a person. So whatever your answer is to this question is who you want to be seen. And if you're spontenious with your answer then who you are is who you are. But if your answer is one in complication and a moment of inner reflection who you are is who you desire to appear.

This isn't a bad thing, in my opinion. Some people take great care in who they present themselves to be. And, in a way, that is a statement of who you are as well. And I think that's fine, as long as you're happy. As long as your happy with what your favorite color is and not second guessing that answer I think you're absolutely OK. For all that matters in the long run, anyway.
