Nano Nano...
I am crashing and burning on this nano thing (see I am barely 5,000 words and it's already November tenth. I feel like I'm getting no where but more confusion. My novel, as it is now, reads like an episode of Lost, except without progression. Granted, Lost doesn't have much progression either. I think it's a big joke on the audience to try and find a meaning behind the show. Don't let the critics fool you, you don't have to be a genius to understand Lost, you have to be an idiot to think there's anything to understand.
Or...was that the other way around.
At any rate, I'm still trying. I'm now typing the equivalent of two novels. Because I'm too lazy to send myself the first part of my novel I've started typing other scenes from whatever parts of my novel I want to at work. When I get home I'll work on the first part. When I'm at work I work on scenes that may or may not happen. Right now I think it's fair to say that my novel is a tossed salad of Firefly influences and not knowing what in the heckadoodle to do next. Whenever I write what seems to be an end to a scene I put a line there and start a new one. Introduce a new character, go back to previous characters and see what they're up to. It reads like someone strung out my brain and rung it out on a hanky and then blew their nose on it.
I'm so tired.
current mood: defeated
current picture:
3,600 / 50,000 (7.2%) |
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